Why is it important to support this site?

For too long in our opinion the market, especially real estate agents, have been treated with contempt by the major real estate sites in Australia. This site was born from the frustration of seeing thousands of dollars wasted and being left in the large website crowd. Without competition the major sites can and have proven in the past too charge what they like.
This site will always be free. The authors will never sell your information to a third party. Any advertising revenue received in the future will be reinvested back into the site so functionality and design are continually being improved.
We listen to you and welcome any feedback you have to make this site a better place for all. For without your support this site will sit in the large hall of real estate sites that were launched and made no real difference, allowing the majors to charge like wounded bulls!
It’s your site; it’s always going to be free. So please support it.